WARP has developed WILBUR, a revolutionary user centric digital platform that offers integration capabilities to existing ERP and PLM software as well as with most wireless devices (smartphones, tablets, wireless measuring tools etc.), along with AI-ready architecture.

Users are empowered to capture, structure and act on quality data, while complying with industry regulations.

QA activities are divided into the 8 main pillars:

1 -Non-conformity management

2. Inspection and testing regroup processes & documentation demonstrating test plans and results demonstrating correlation between physical products (components and aircraft) and design.

3. Build records regroup all documents and processes related to product manufacturing.

4. Tool control regroups all documents and processes related to tool calibration and maintenance

5. Audit regroups all documents and processes related to auditing how industrial processes are conducted and maintained;

6. Competency management

7. Safety managemen

8. Certification and delivery

Furthermore, the WARP-GRID, a Cloud based worldwide tasking center, enables different companies to work simultaneously on tasks / projects / problems within the same instance instead of copying requests manually from one system to another, hence creating cross-company Real-time Data integration allowing better Operation Management thru increased Traceability & Visibility.

VP Market Strategy